Schooner at Old Gloucester, Oil on Linen, 30x40

Toy Paintings Win !

The Toy Paintings !

by C.W. Mundy

As a child, I was enamored with lots of toys, and most of the time, my parents could not afford the toys that I saw in the catalogues.

Now as an adult, I have some of these toys, and I do the same thing I did when I was a kid – get ’em out, make up a theme and make “pretend”!

Funny how things never change.


All Along The Boulevard, 24x36 ©CWMundy
All Along The Boulevard, 24×36 ©CWMundy

I am honored and thrilled to win these recent awards for
“All Along The Boulevard” !

Franz Bischoff Award for Best Still-Life Painting, California Art Club Gold Medal Exhibition,  Fisher Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA.      (June 2013)

Finalist in Still Life Category,   Art Renewal Center’s International 2012 / 2013 ARC Salon        (May 2013)



The Train Station, 36x24 ©CWMundy
The Train Station, 36×24 ©CWMundy

And thrilled to accept these awards for “The Train Station”!

2nd Place Award in Still Life Category,  Art Renewal Center’s International 2012 / 2013 ARC Salon       (May 2013)

Silver Medal Award, Master Signature Division, 22nd National Juried Exhibition of Oil Painters of America      (May 2013)


Charles Warren Mundy