Kinderdijk, oil on linen, 24×36


Road to Damascus (3:35)

“Outside the box” of typical bluegrass and portraying the Biblical account of Paul’s journey to Damascus.


Climbing Higher (3:00)

Influenced by a beautiful snowfall, very peaceful and spiritual and insightful.


Door County Cove (4:15)

Summertime, sitting on a pier in Door County Wisconsin, and watching the huge swells of the waves.


I Cried Love (4:00)

God’s hand has reached out to me so many times with His Love and mercy. View Lyrics


Moon Surf (4:25)

I am told that surfers like to “night surf” when there is a clear, full moon.


Disco This Way (5:05)

Like creating artwork, this music is an expression of always wanting to do something a little different.


Midday in Manaus (3:20)

It’s mesmerizing to watch the Brazilians work, loading watermelons, all day long under the hot tropical Amazon sun. View Lyrics


Midnight in Cambria (3:35)

A beautiful place with lots of history and culture and friendships.


We Got Nothin’ Ta Lose (2:52)

A song from the 1970’s, influenced by Pat Cloud’s classic jazz chord patterns. View Lyrics


Through The Eyes Of A Child (3:13)

Childhood recollections. View Lyrics


Song For Rebecca (2:21)

In tribute to my wife, who encourages me in my music and art endeavors.


Not Gonna’ Settle For Less (2:56)

Some sassy attitude.


Duck Creek (2:45)

A country location, and one of my favorite plein-air painting spots.


Daydream (1:40)

Peaceful and thoughtful with the additions of the cello and viola.


Scottish Lullaby (2:50)

Honoring my Scottish heritage.


I Don’t Know (2:50)

Bluegrass jam tune, never had a name but accepted that way in the bluegrass circles!

Charles Warren Mundy