Port & Starboard III
Port & Starboard III is a collaboration event with Debra Huse Gallery and Vanessa Rothe Fine Art.
Long time friends Debra and Vanessa join together for the 3rd time to present
An Art Exhibition featuring International Marine Artists from Russian to America.
Exhibit opens Thursday night JUNE 8th 2017, 5:30 p.m. at the NEWPORT BEACH Yacht Club, 1099 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
A beautiful slide show and lecture will be presented on admired Marine artists William Ritschel, Edgar Payne
and Armin Hansen. Learn about their history, marvel at their powerful works of the sea, and learn about their
influence on the artists and directly the works in the exhibition.
6:30-8:30 Exhibit opens at the DEBRA HUSE GALLERY 229 Marine Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92662 for aperitif and to view the new works inspired by these masters.