This DVD is a collection of the videotapes produced by C.W. Mundy between 1995 and 2005.
It is a documentary DVD and depicts CW Mundy painting “on location” and “en plein air” in various international and national locations during this ten year span.
Although this DVD is not intended as an instructional DVD, you will observe CW painting and discussing problem solving as he paints.
Here are the locales featured on this DVD:
- Paysages de France 1995
- Italy: Light and Color 1996
- England: The Treasured Isle 1997
- Spain: Cities and Harbors 1999
- Vienna, Prague and Other Eastern European Cities 2000
- The European Collection 2002
- Excerpts – The Gloucester and Rockport Collection 1997
- Excerpts – Impressions of Vermont 1998
- Excerpts – The Banks of The Wabash Collection 2003
For the most instructional information for artists, please refer to England: The Treasured Isle or The Gloucester and Rockport Collection Excerpts.
Running Time: 3 hours
$70.00 plus $8.50 S&H (U.S.) by check or VISA/MasterCard
Contact Liliedahl Video Productions